Helping women know and love

God through his Word




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  • Journeywomen has been my absolute favorite podcast to listen to. Every episode is filled with conversations that fill me with the love of God and point me back to Him and His word. I’m constantly reminded of Who is in control of my life and how I can always trust God in every aspect. The Journeywoman podcast leaves me feeling encouraged to continue on the path the Lord has set me on, despite the obstacles and roadblocks, and I am forever grateful for this ministry the Lord is very obviously working through!

    Jordan, Journeywomen Listener

  • I’ve listened to Journeywomen for years, and it's been a wonderful source of encouragement for every season of my life including singleness, marriage, and now motherhood. Each episode of the podcast consistently points me to the truth of God's Word and reminds me to keep my focus on Christ rather than my circumstances. I share episodes with my friends regularly because they provide gospel-saturated exhortation, and I learn something new in each episode.

    Katie, Journeywomen Listener

  • Simply put, Journeywomen has been a key part of maturing my faith. I was working overseas a year after finishing high school and I was going through a tough time adjusting and dealing with some challenging circumstances. I had grown up knowing Jesus, but I needed to grow in my theology to be able to live out my faith in these new circumstances. That's when I found the Journeywomen podcast. That year, Journeywomen played a huge role in strengthening my faith and my understanding of practical theology. I was far from my family, but I felt supported and strengthened through the wise counsel I received through the podcast. Since then, Journeywomen has remained a trusted source of sound theological input and one that I will continue to value and turn to.

    Emelia, Journeywomen Listener

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