Winter’s Cold Will End: The Promise of Spring
Growing in Godliness Brittany Allen Growing in Godliness Brittany Allen

Winter’s Cold Will End: The Promise of Spring

“There is beauty in the white snow covering every tree, home, and street. The peaceful silence it spreads across the earth points us to the peace of Christ. Yet, we would be remiss to pretend that winter’s dormancy doesn’t also point us to spiritual truths. When once-bright zinnias shrivel and brown in the first frost, we are reminded of death. When every leaf falls from the tree in our backyard, we see the effects of death. The reality of dying and decay is undeniable…” Winter’s Cold Will End: The Promise of Spring by Brittany Allen

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Look Forward, Because He Promised
God's Word Carl Laferton God's Word Carl Laferton

Look Forward, Because He Promised

“If you’re anything like me, it’s easy to have your gaze focused on today—on what needs to be done, on what isn’t going to get done. And when we lift our eyes to look to tomorrow, or next year, or next decade, our sight can be filled with the worries prompted by future uncertainties. Our looking forward can so easily be filled with anxiety rather than anticipation. But by faith in Christ we are God’s people. And God’s people have always been, and still are, a people who can look forward to what has been promised.” Look Forward, Because He Promised by Carl Laferton

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What Has God Actually Promised? 20 Truths from the Psalms
God's Word William R. Osborne God's Word William R. Osborne

What Has God Actually Promised? 20 Truths from the Psalms

“Over and over again, the psalmists reveal that their hope and faith in God rests not in prophetic promises of how God will remove the current struggle, but in the promise of who he is. Even in moments where the writer uses words like ‘deliverance’ and ‘salvation’, we have no idea of the timeframe, severity, or nature of the promised divine action. Like the writers of old, we too rarely receive specific promises stating that the cancer will go into remission, the work conflict will subside, or the support money will come in on time. In these trying moments of waiting and wanting, it is our knowledge of the character of our Heavenly Father that shapes our hope in the promises of who God is for his people.” What Has God Actually Promised? 20 Truths from the Psalms by William R. Osborne

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