Our Good Father's Discipline
Growing in Godliness Christina Fox Growing in Godliness Christina Fox

Our Good Father's Discipline

“As an adult, I find I continue to resist discipline, particularly God’s discipline. When trials, disappointments, and challenges come my way, I see them as things to avoid or resist. I look for ways to get around them. I find myself saying that all-too-popular childhood complaint, “It's not fair.” Other times, I look at hardships as punishment for something I've done wrong. Or perhaps, I think, I wasn't good enough and God is disappointed in me. Rarely though do I pause to consider, “What might God be doing in my life? What might he want me to learn? How might he use this hardship to make me more like Christ?”” - Our Good Father’s Discipline by Christina Fox

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Dear College Student: 4 Encouragements to Live on Mission
God's Mission Ellie Sauder God's Mission Ellie Sauder

Dear College Student: 4 Encouragements to Live on Mission

"For four years, you have the opportunity to reach those from the other side of the globe with the gospel by simply walking across the hall. If we are called to go and “proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15), this is the most risk-free step of obedience we can take. We have the privilege of fulfilling the Great Commission right here on our campuses.” - Dear College Student: 4 Encouragements to Live on Mission, by Ellie Sauder

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