The Church Series
We pray that the Lord uses these conversations on the Church to stir your affection for Christ and his Church, and that you’re encouraged to joyfully employ the gifts God has entrusted to you to bless the Body and to share the Good News of Jesus with the world. We also hope this series sparks a desire to learn more about the church and to grow in your ecclesiology, or your the study of the church.
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In this episode, Hunter chats with Gloria Furman on the global Church. Gloria is a wife, mom, cross-cultural worker, editor, and writer. Gloria shares, “You are part of something far bigger than you, far bigger than your local church. Remember that you are part of something so big! The global Church gathered together for eternity is such a great reality that we have to look forward to!”
In this episode, Hunter chats with Susan Hunt about the local church! Susan bleeds ecclesiology, or the theology of the church. One thing she shares, “The church is the people of God in all times and in all places! We’re those who were chosen in Christ in eternity past! We’re being redeemed, adopted, and sanctified in him!”
In this episode, Hunter chats with Dr. Mark Dever about finding a healthy church. Dr. Mark has served as the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church since 1994 and as president of 9Marks (a ministry to churches and church leaders) since its founding in 1998.
In this episode, Hunter chats with Sandra McCracken about joyfully reconciling worship preferences with reality. If you don’t know her, Sandra’s prolific contributions as a songwriter, modern-day hymn writer, and record producer have brought grace and clarity to her soulful, folk-gospel sound.
In this episode, Hunter chats with Dr. Michael Haykin about church history! Dr. Haykin is the chair and professor of Church History at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY and Director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies.
In this episode, Hunter chats with Matt Lantz about serving the Body of Christ with our spiritual gifts. Matt gives us an overview of the purpose and function of each of the spiritual gifts and how we can go about identifying our gifts and use them to serve in our local churches. What’s the purpose of stewarding our gifts for the glory of God?
In this episode, Hunter chats with Mary Willson about women’s roles in the church. We pray this conversation will serve as a catalyst to dig into the Word and to pursue further dialogue with women in your own local churches. Ultimately, our hope is that you’ll walk away encouraged to joyfully celebrate the importance God has placed on women’s roles in the body.
In this episode, Hunter chats with Elizabeth Woodson about unity in the church. Elizabeth is a passionate Bible teacher whose deepest desire is to know Christ and to make Him known! Engaging both the heart and mind, she loves to teach the truth of Scripture, empowering believers to experience abundant life with Jesus!
In this episode, Hunter chats with Trillia Newbell on the mission of the church. They talk about everything from how we see the ancient church fulfilling the mission they were given by Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe all that Jesus commanded, to how we are united with them in that very same mission today. We pray this episode aids your understanding of what we have been called to as Christ followers, to go into the world by the power of the Spirit with the goal of making disciples by proclaiming the gospel for the glory of God and for the good of the world.
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I chatted with Kristie Anyabwile about what to do when church gets hard. Ya’ll, we ran the gamut on what kind of stuff makes church difficult and why it’s important that we press in, even when it’s challenging. So you’ll know her a little better, Kristie is a pastor's wife, mom, Bible teacher and author of His Testimonies, My Heritage: Women of Color on the Word of God, which will be released in September. She works with the Charles Simeon Trust as the Associate Director of Women's Workshops, helping to equip women Bible teachers. She joyfully supports her husband of 27 years, Thabiti, as he pastors Anacostia River Church in Washington, DC.