In Your Trials, Remember What Is True
Grief & Suffering Katie Faris Grief & Suffering Katie Faris

In Your Trials, Remember What Is True

“Maybe you’re single, and you want to be married. Maybe you just learned your mom has cancer. Maybe your husband has been unfaithful. Maybe your baby is in the NICU. Maybe you’re juggling multiple responsibilities and don’t know how to be “all in” with any of them. Whatever it is, your hard is your suffering. Like a wounded animal, vulnerable to a predator’s attack, we’re more prone in our suffering to the enemy of our souls. But God’s Word teaches us how to ‘be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might’.” - In Your Trials, Remember What Is True, by Katie Faris

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God's Sovereignty in Our Suffering
Grief & Suffering Ashley Setterlind Grief & Suffering Ashley Setterlind

God's Sovereignty in Our Suffering

“We don’t need to know all of the answers for why *fill in the blank* is happening before deciding to trust God. Our pain doesn’t have to make sense before God uses it for his greater purpose. Even as we groan earthside, Scripture reveals reasons to rejoice over the results of suffering in our lives—endurance, character, and hope (Rom. 5:3-5). Our dependence on God is never so apparent as during periods of suffering. Sometimes, the character he wants to develop in us for his glory can only come through hardship. We can learn to receive this as a gift; that our Master Gardener’s pruning produces the fruit of his Spirit in us.” - God's Sovereignty in Our Suffering by Ashley Setterlind

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The Giver is the Best Gift
God's Word Jared C. Wilson God's Word Jared C. Wilson

The Giver is the Best Gift

“The truth is, we cannot have joy, peace, love, or hope apart from their perfect embodiment in Jesus Christ. Christmas is not about warm fuzzies; it is about the One who finally delivers on the promise of everything we acknowledge as good and true. The Bible will not let us have ethereal virtues. Do you want peace? Christ himself is our peace (Eph. 2:14). Do you want love? Christ himself is love (1 John 4:8). Do you want hope? Christ himself is our hope (Titus 2:13).” - The Giver is the Best Gift by Jared C. Wilson

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When Suffering Comes, Lean on What You Know
Grief & Suffering Kristen Wetherell Grief & Suffering Kristen Wetherell

When Suffering Comes, Lean on What You Know

"When the disease pains us, our prodigal child grieves us, our friend betrays us, and our marriage is tested, it is natural to wonder what God is doing. Many of us ask, ‘Why, God?”’and our question isn’t wrong in itself. But perhaps the better question is, ‘Why am I asking God why?’” - When Suffering Comes, Lean on What You Know, by Kristen Wetherell

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5 Truths About Your Physical and Spiritual Health
Growing in Godliness Jen Oshman Growing in Godliness Jen Oshman

5 Truths About Your Physical and Spiritual Health

"When it comes to our physical lives and our spiritual lives, we must each choose who we will serve (Joshua 24:14-15). We must each run the race marked out for us (Hebrews 12:1). We must each set our minds on things above (Colossians 3:1). Let us ask the God who made us to help us commit to both our spiritual and physical well being. These bodies and souls and lives are not our own—they were bought with a price. May we honor and glorify our God who made us, saved us, and strengthens us.” - 5 Truths About Your Physical and Spiritual Health, by Jen Oshman

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Faith in Anxiety
Grief & Suffering Elizabeth Santelmann Grief & Suffering Elizabeth Santelmann

Faith in Anxiety

"I cried often during those months. I wanted to have a testimony of how my faith had helped me through. I knew there were so many people who walked through harder times than ours. I spent my life reading their beautiful testimonies of faith. They would talk about how they saw God’s hand every step of the way. Stories like this made me cry as I read because I knew no matter what I faced we had a faithful God. But they also made me question my faith. Why couldn’t I see God working in my own pain?” - Faith in Anxiety, by Elizabeth Santelmann

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Snuggled Up Tight in Providence
Growing in Godliness Holly Mackle Growing in Godliness Holly Mackle

Snuggled Up Tight in Providence

“I’ve crawled up under the literal blanket called providence a whole bunch of times, and I’ve hidden under the wing called Providence more times than I can count, and certainly more times than I know. When it looks like a physical, emotional, or spiritual case for Doc McStuffins’ Big Book of Boo Boos, I hope to remember the quilt called providence, and maybe tuck myself or my loved one up in it.” - Snuggled Up Tight In Providence by Holly Mackle

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