Storytellers and Disciple-Makers: Stewarding Our Creativity for a Watching World
Growing in Godliness Katie Blackburn Growing in Godliness Katie Blackburn

Storytellers and Disciple-Makers: Stewarding Our Creativity for a Watching World

"I cannot always tie a bow of finality on my stories. Most of them are still being lived, still being learned. But whether I write with humor, or with a homesickness that shows all I long for Jesus to make right, I do write with the assurance of my true home in mind. There is not an honest soul on earth who does not in some way resonate with things that make us laugh, or with this distant hum of a feeling that this life cannot be all there is. Our stories may just be the thing God uses to show the world the origin and hope of all of our lives.” - Storytellers and Disciple-Makers: Stewarding Our Creativity for a Watching World, by Katie Blackburn

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