The Giver is the Best Gift
God's Word Jared C. Wilson God's Word Jared C. Wilson

The Giver is the Best Gift

“The truth is, we cannot have joy, peace, love, or hope apart from their perfect embodiment in Jesus Christ. Christmas is not about warm fuzzies; it is about the One who finally delivers on the promise of everything we acknowledge as good and true. The Bible will not let us have ethereal virtues. Do you want peace? Christ himself is our peace (Eph. 2:14). Do you want love? Christ himself is love (1 John 4:8). Do you want hope? Christ himself is our hope (Titus 2:13).” - The Giver is the Best Gift by Jared C. Wilson

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The First Gift Giver: How Our Christmas Giving Displays Our Savior
God's Mission Lizzie Laferton God's Mission Lizzie Laferton

The First Gift Giver: How Our Christmas Giving Displays Our Savior

“At this time of year, we celebrate the coming into the world of the first and greatest Giver who is also the best and most beautiful gift. Thankfully, it looks like Christmas will no longer be constrained by Covid. As joyful as that isolated Christmas in 2020 turned out to be for my family, the joy of giving gifts can only grow when we spread them abroad more widely. There will be joy for the givers. There will be joy for the getters. And—we can pray—there will be joy for those who learn something of the Christ who is reflected in the giving.” - The First Gift-Giver: How Our Christmas Giving Displays Our Savior by Lizzie Laferton

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Honoring God with Your Bank Account
Growing in Godliness Journeywomen Ministries Growing in Godliness Journeywomen Ministries

Honoring God with Your Bank Account

What matters to you? Before noodling this, take a quick look at your bank account activity, including your credit card records. What do you see? You see evidence of what matters to you. Consider it this way. Actions are evidence. Our behavior is reporting in. Our bank accounts are important. What are they telling us? Before we do a deep dive, let’s look at the big picture. All that you ‘own’ is really all God’s on loan to you. The journey to honor God with our bank account begins with this biblical perspective.” - Honoring God with Your Bank Account by Valerie Hogan and Miriam Neff

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