The Church: Essential to Our Endurance
Growing in Godliness, God's Mission Jenilyn Swett Growing in Godliness, God's Mission Jenilyn Swett

The Church: Essential to Our Endurance

“These brothers and sisters whose lives have been woven into mine have encouraged me, prayed for me, welcomed me to their tables, and adopted me as “auntie” to their kids. We’ve lived through high highs and low lows together, prayed for God’s provision and lifted up our longings and laments to him, pointed one another back to Jesus and the good news of the gospel time and again, and seen God at work in many ways. Church has always been part of my life, part of my week, and often part of my work. But it’s taken a pandemic and a sabbatical to reveal to me that church is not just important, it is essential to faithfully following Jesus.” - The Church: Essential to Our Endurance by Jenilyn Swett

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The Life-Giving Joy of a Hobby
Growing in Godliness Matt Lantz Growing in Godliness Matt Lantz

The Life-Giving Joy of a Hobby

“When I was a kid, my grandfather taught me how to use a camera. I enjoyed it enough to even take a photography class in college, but once I graduated and started my first ‘real’ job, I no longer had time for it. But, one evening in the middle of the 2020 lockdown, I decided to get my camera out and go out and take pictures of the sunset—just to have a reason to get out of the house. And that was it. I found something I had forgotten I enjoyed, and it helped me make it through the worst of the pandemic. I think you should have a hobby too. And I know you think you’re too busy; I get it. But if you’ve read this far, perhaps you’ll be willing to consider these four reasons why I think you should not only have a hobby, but also protect time for it on a regular basis:” - The Life-Giving Joy of a Hobby by Matt Lantz

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How to Pray for Older Saints
God's Mission Chelsea Stanley God's Mission Chelsea Stanley

How to Pray for Older Saints

God loves the generations—they’re part of his good design! As you intercede for the older saints in your life, don’t forget to praise God for them and thank him for the ways they have encouraged you and sharpened you in your faith. “For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations” (Psalm 100:5). Amen!” - How to Pray for Older Saints by Chelsea Stanley

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