God's Sufficient Grace in Our Weakness
“The Apostle Paul’s life provides a captivating example of how to serve through weakness in ministry. Throughout his service to the Lord, Paul was imprisoned, stoned, beaten with rods three times, given 39 lashes five times, shipwrecked three times, adrift at sea, in danger from rivers, robbers, the city, the wilderness, his own people, the Gentiles, and false brothers, suffered through physical hunger and thirst, was left exposed in cold weather, experienced insomnia, and dealt with regular anxiety about his ministry (2 Cor. 11:23-28). This man knew suffering. He knew pain. He knew injustice. And still, by the grace of God, he endured ‘till the end. How did he do it?” God's Sufficient Grace in Our Weakness by Ashley Setterlind

Small Moments Might Just be the Big Ones, by Ashley Anthony
“We might daily read Scripture, pray, serve, and worship, but we might find they don’t always produce fruit as quickly as we’d like them to. Growth seems slow and sometimes tedious. These small moments—do they really make a difference at all? The life of the prophetess Anna declares that these small moments do make a difference—and not only do they make a difference, but these small moments are more significant than we might think.” Small Moments Might Just be the Big Ones by Ashley Anthony

Four Reasons to Be Thankful for the Mundane
“If you think about it, the hills and mountaintop experiences are few and far between. The mundane is where real life happens, and if we look hard enough, we can find tremendous sweetness and joy when we recognize that the Lord goes with us, even in the everyday, humdrum routines. So rather than complaining or looking to the next more exciting season, perhaps, we can find many reasons to be thankful for this mundane season.” Four Reasons to Be Thankful for the Mundane by Abigail Houston

5 Ways to Combat Half-Hearted Worship on Sunday
“It's already difficult for my weak flesh and distracted mind to worship the Lord rightly, and if I’m not doing anything to prepare my heart for worship on other days of the week, it's even harder. How much more would I benefit from Sunday’s blessings if I anticipated them rightly ahead of time? After all, worshiping God together alongside the body of Christ is a gift. Singing songs of praise, confessing our faith with other brothers and sisters in Christ, and hearing God's Word preached faithfully is something we as Christians look forward to each week, and part of anticipating its blessings is preparing practically for it!” - 5 Ways to Combat Half-Hearted Worship on Sunday by Lainee Oliver

A Foolish Love by Katy Morgan
“It is one of the most moving—and terrifying—moments in the story of David. In 2 Samuel 6, the ark of God is brought to Jerusalem. As this symbol of God’s presence is brought through the city, David strips down to what is apparently very little and dances before it “with all his might” (v. 14). Later, David finds his wife Michal waiting at home. “How the king of Israel has distinguished himself today,” she spits sarcastically (v. 20). The narrator tells us she despises him for what he has done (v. 16). The story is moving because it reveals the depths of David’s unashamed devotion to God. But it’s terrifying because it forces us to realize that we’re a lot less like David than we think. Too often, we’re rather like Michal instead.” - A Foolish Love, by Katy Morgan

Praying the Psalms: An Invitation to Intimacy
“The Psalms show us that it is right and good to bring all our authentic emotions to God in prayer. They invite us to come to him, raw and unfiltered, in every circumstance we face. The Psalms demonstrate how an honest, angry prayer can also be humble and God-oriented, or how the act of prayer itself can reshape our fear and worry into praise. Moreover, we remember that the Psalms were intended for corporate use, bidding us to bring our unmasked selves to church and to our Christian community. Our only mistake would be to refuse the Psalms’ invitation, bottling up our emotions or attempting to handle what we are facing in our own strength.” - Praying the Psalms: An Invitation to Intimacy, by Caroline Cobb

The Worth in Our Waiting by Jenn Hesse
“The Lord gradually opened my eyes to his deeper purposes for that hard season of waiting. He wasn’t pressing me under his thumb as a harsh faith lesson. Instead, he wanted more for me than any earthly desire. Through waiting I came to realize that God’s plan is always the long game. He created us in Christ for good works he prepared beforehand (Eph. 2:10). He is committed to complete the good work he started in us at salvation (Phil. 1:6). By His Spirit we are being transformed into his image from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18). Waiting might feel like wasted time to us, when nothing is happening and we’re not able to reach our goals. That’s not how time works with God. His Word shows us that waiting is open season for sanctification. In the interval between wanting and receiving, he actively grows us to become more like our Savior.” - The Worth in Our Waiting by Jenn Hesse