Accepting the Holy Spirit’s Help: What Pentecost Teaches Us About Self-Sufficiency
“The stubborn strain of self-sufficiency is found throughout Scripture, and we’re no different in our modern context. Our culture praises those who do it all, do it perfectly, and do it themselves. Even within the church, we can use our obedience to God’s good commands to prove our own self-sufficiency. But when we refuse the help Jesus promised us, we become exhausted by our feeble attempts to prove ourselves or ashamed because we could never do enough. However, Jesus hasn’t asked us to strive in our own efforts; he’s invited us to be empowered by his Spirit.” Accepting the Holy Spirit’s Help: What Pentecost Teaches Us About Self-Sufficiency by Bethany Broderick

Spiritual Disciplines in Every Season
“Each time life changed, I was frustrated that the rhythms of Scripture reading, prayer, and memorization I had worked hard to cultivate crumbled like sandcastles. Yet it was during these difficult seasons that God taught me that my spiritual growth was not based on my own efforts but in his gracious and powerful work in me. In his Word, God has given us an abundance of “tools” for spiritual growth: Bible study, prayer, fasting, corporate worship, confession, meditation, silence, and more. Each of these tools is a gracious gift God uses to draw us to himself.” Spiritual Disciplines in Every Season by Bethany Broderick