Follow The One Who Is Trustworthy
Growing in Godliness Mallory Manning Growing in Godliness Mallory Manning

Follow The One Who Is Trustworthy

"By God’s grace, we can become women who experience the pressure points of confusion and uncertainty yet continue to bless the Lord and those around us with our words and our service. We can grapple with our next steps and seek practical guidance yet remember the Spirit is our true Counselor. We can bear witness to suffering and grieve it sincerely yet remain joyful in God’s promises to be with us now and to restore all things in eternity.” - Follow the One Who is Trustworthy, by Mallory Manning

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Single, But Not Alone
Growing in Godliness Jenilyn Swett Growing in Godliness Jenilyn Swett

Single, But Not Alone

"When our churches and friends fail us, when we face temptation, when rejection breaks our hearts, Jesus—himself a single man—identifies with our suffering (Isa. 53:3-4; Heb. 4:14-16). When we feel alone, are tempted towards despair, or look for salvation in something other than Jesus, the Holy Spirit reminds us of what is true (John 15:26-27). And when we question our worth, fear scarcity, cry out in lament, or humbly repent, the Father is ready and waiting to pour out his love and comfort (2 Cor. 1:3; Eph. 3:14-21; 1 John 3:1-3).” - Single, But Not Alone, by Jenilyn Swett

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When Suffering Comes, Lean on What You Know
Grief & Suffering Kristen Wetherell Grief & Suffering Kristen Wetherell

When Suffering Comes, Lean on What You Know

"When the disease pains us, our prodigal child grieves us, our friend betrays us, and our marriage is tested, it is natural to wonder what God is doing. Many of us ask, ‘Why, God?”’and our question isn’t wrong in itself. But perhaps the better question is, ‘Why am I asking God why?’” - When Suffering Comes, Lean on What You Know, by Kristen Wetherell

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The Importance of Identity
Growing in Godliness Matt Lantz Growing in Godliness Matt Lantz

The Importance of Identity

"‘Who are you and what are you doing here?’ As followers of Jesus, we believe God is the designer of humanity and we are his creations. As such, we also believe he has handmade each of us for good works that he has purposed for us to be and do (Eph. 2:10). God, as our creator, is the only one who is qualified to speak with authority about our identity. If we listen to him, he is answering those two questions for us.” - The Importance of Identity by Matt Lantz

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Dear College Student: 4 Encouragements to Live on Mission
God's Mission Ellie Sauder God's Mission Ellie Sauder

Dear College Student: 4 Encouragements to Live on Mission

"For four years, you have the opportunity to reach those from the other side of the globe with the gospel by simply walking across the hall. If we are called to go and “proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15), this is the most risk-free step of obedience we can take. We have the privilege of fulfilling the Great Commission right here on our campuses.” - Dear College Student: 4 Encouragements to Live on Mission, by Ellie Sauder

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A Tale of Two Tears
Grief & Suffering S.A. Morrison Grief & Suffering S.A. Morrison

A Tale of Two Tears

"Our tears often express outwardly the toil we feel inwardly as we reconcile the world as we know it with the world as we ought to know it. Tears are the outworking of this obscurity. Tears are the testament to myself, others, and God that I am desperately trying to make sense of the pain that plagues me. Our tears proclaim our measures of faith, or lack thereof. In the act of crying, we are being transformed. Our pain is not useless, our suffering is not unseen, and our tears are not a burden. Our tears are a gift.” - A Tale of Two Tears, by S. A. Morrison

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