Placed for a Purpose: Ministering in your Everyday Context
God's Mission Elizabeth Mckinney God's Mission Elizabeth Mckinney

Placed for a Purpose: Ministering in your Everyday Context

“There’s a non-urgent—still very important—desire in each of us to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. At times it feels more awkward than intuitive, but it’s coded into us all the same: our calling to engage in God’s mission and love our neighbors (even our next-door neighbors!). Jesus woos us to participate in his kingdom work, to see his renewal, restoration, hope and healing come to our communities. Even if we try to ignore this missional invitation for fear of what it might cost us, we can’t help but see needs around us for neighborhood peacemaking and mercy-extending. Deep down we want to make a difference in our corners of the world because Jesus has made a difference in ours.” Placed for a Purpose: Ministering in your Everyday Context by Elizabeth McKinney

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Inviting Women Back to God’s Table
God's Mission Ericka Andersen God's Mission Ericka Andersen

Inviting Women Back to God’s Table

“Why are people so likely to move away from their church community today? One of the biggest reasons is that many aren’t aware of why the local church is so important for believers. The theology of the Church wasn’t something they learned in Sunday School, and when you lack the why behind your actions, it can be difficult to stay committed in hard times. As Christian women who care about the church body, we can help educate others about this important theology and how God works through each of us to build his Kingdom. ” - Inviting Women Back to God’s Table, by Ericka Andersen

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Believer, The World Needs What You Have
God's Mission Rebecca Manley Pippert God's Mission Rebecca Manley Pippert

Believer, The World Needs What You Have

Over the years, we have witnessed tremendous cultural changes that have produced genuine challenges for the gospel. Yet one thing never changes: people’s desperate need for God. No matter how secular or hostile it may become, culture doesn’t have the power to erase the creational longings that God has placed in all humans: for meaning, love, purpose, identity, and connection. So here’s the puzzle: Why do many Christians sincerely believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most wonderful, liberating news that God has ever given our weary planet, yet struggle to share it?” - Believer, The World Needs What You Have, by Rebecca Pippert

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Salvation Basics: How to Share the Gospel
God's Word, God's Mission Joanna Kimbrel God's Word, God's Mission Joanna Kimbrel

Salvation Basics: How to Share the Gospel

“Imagine you’re sitting in a coffee shop with your Bible open when someone walks up to your table. “Excuse me,” she stammers, “I noticed you’re reading a Bible, and I was wondering if you can explain to me what the gospel is.” How do you think you’d react in that moment? Would you be excited for a surprising opportunity to share your faith so openly? Or, if you’re honest, would your palms start sweating just thinking about it? If fear or hesitation is one of your first responses, you’re not alone. But sisters, we must be ready to give a reason for the hope we have in Jesus (1 Peter 3:15). We must be ready to share the gospel. To that end, here are three salvation basics to share with anyone who will listen.” - Salvation Basics: How to Share the Gospel by Joanna Kimbrel

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Dear College Student: 4 Encouragements to Live on Mission
God's Mission Ellie Sauder God's Mission Ellie Sauder

Dear College Student: 4 Encouragements to Live on Mission

"For four years, you have the opportunity to reach those from the other side of the globe with the gospel by simply walking across the hall. If we are called to go and “proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15), this is the most risk-free step of obedience we can take. We have the privilege of fulfilling the Great Commission right here on our campuses.” - Dear College Student: 4 Encouragements to Live on Mission, by Ellie Sauder

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