Dwelling on Truth


In this week’s episode, Hunter chats with Natalie and Vera of Dwell Differently about the beauty of dwelling on the truths that we find in the Bible. These three ladies each have such a contagious passion for hiding God’s Word in their hearts, and we hope that you come away from this conversation with a renewed excitement for dwelling on God’s Word!

Have you ever felt intimidated by the task of Scripture memory? Maybe you long to hide God’s Word in your heart but just don’t know where to begin? Here’s some encouragement: Start simply, and simply start. Maybe you’re feeling anxious, impatient, or angry? Google verses on that topic, write one down on a notecard, and start saying it to yourself. See? Simply start!

If choosing a verse or passage feels overwhelming, perhaps start with one of the verses Vera, Natalie, and Hunter mentioned in this week’s podcast episode: Hebrews 10:23, Psalm 119:148, Philippians 4:4-9 (even simply the first four words of verse 4: “The Lord is near”), Psalm 16:2, John 1:5, Luke 24:27


  1. Why did you start Dwell Differently? What makes you so passionate about helping people memorize God’s Word?

  2. Most Christians would say that Scripture memory is important, but struggle to actually do it. What would you say to encourage someone who needs help?

  3. How would you communicate the necessity of memorizing Scripture to someone for whom memorizing is difficult or intimidating?

  4. What is the importance of diving into Scripture with other people, including small groups, church groups, family and friends?

  5. Why do you think studying the text in this way (using Vera and Natalie’s Philippians 4 Bible study) will help compel women to hide it deep in their hearts by way of Scripture memory?

  6. What are some of the most common excuses people have for not memorizing Scripture? For example, what would your response be if someone said they were too busy or had poor memory?

  7. What’s the one thing you want women to know as they’re trying to begin this practice?



“The devotionals are good. These books are good. But at two in the morning when you can't sleep, Tim Keller's words do not come to your mind. God's Word comes to your mind.” - Vera

“The value of God's Word and the beauty of his Word is just overwhelming. There is no book like the Bible; there's just nothing like it. And it's sweeter than honey. It's just everything. It's a treasure. And it's what I try to model my life after. And I don't know how I would have the intimacy with the Lord that I do and the ability to be in his presence without having at least some of those words committed to memory so that I can meditate on them.” - Natalie

“[To the person who says] my brain's too scattered for that. That's the perfect reason why you need it. It refocuses you in those moments of chaos. That is actually evidence for why you need this.” - Vera

“If there was nothing out there—there's nothing—and then God spoke and there was everything, can't one word of God transform your life?” - Vera

“The goal with Scripture memory isn’t that you would be able to at a given moment recite a passage of Scripture. The goal with Scripture memory is that you would be meditating on something throughout your day that is drawing you into a closer relationship with God.” - Natalie

“The idea here is that as you study this passage, as you put as much of it to mind as you can and meditate on it, that it would be transformative.” - Natalie

“And that's really the goal: that you would, by studying it, understand what did it mean in its context? What did it mean to these original readers? So you’re not misinterpreting it or misapplying it to your life. But then the goal is that it would transform me, that it would be in my heart and in my mind, that it would work change.” Natalie

“When you are engaging in learning God's words, it is relational. It's part of this intimate love that God has for you. And this is a way of you receiving it and experiencing it.” - Natalie


Dwell Differently Scripture memory products

Dwell Differently: Overcome Negative Thinking with the Simple Practice of Memorizing God’s Truth

Dwell on These Things: Transform Your Heart and Mind by Memorizing God’s Word Bible Study by Vera Schmitz and Natalie Abbott

Bic BodyMark Temporary Tattoo Markers

Slap Bracelet



  1. What are some ways God has used his Word to strengthen, sustain, or uphold you during a difficult time?

  2. Are there reasons that you have felt hesitant to pursue the practice of Scripture memory? Share them with a friend if you feel comfortable.

  3. What is one verse that has impacted you or grown your view of who God is? Consider memorizing that verse (or part of it) this month.

  4. What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?




Journeywomen interviews are intended to serve as a springboard for continued study in the context of your local church. While we carefully select guests each week, interviews do not imply Journeywomen's endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.

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Natalie Abbott & Vera Schmitz

Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz are sisters and co-founders of Dwell Differently, a company that helps people memorize and meditate on God’s Word through simple Scripture memory tools, a weekly devotional, and the Dwell Differently podcast. You can also memorize Scripture along with them in Dwell on These Things: Transform Your Heart and Mind By Memorizing God’s Word and Dwell Differently: Overcome Negative Thinking with the Simple Practice of Memorizing God’s Truth. Read daily encouragements from Natalie and Vera on all the socials at @dwelldifferently.


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