Word-Centered Discipleship with Elizabeth Woodson
Elizabeth Woodson Elizabeth Woodson

Word-Centered Discipleship with Elizabeth Woodson

In this episode, Hunter chats with Elizabeth Woodson about how we can center our discipleship relationships around the Word of God. What does it look like to be committed to Word-centered discipleship? This conversation is full of encouragement, inspiration, and practical ideas to make sure the Word is the focal point of your discipleship relationships.

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Dwelling on Truth with Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz
Natalie Abbott & Vera Schmitz Natalie Abbott & Vera Schmitz

Dwelling on Truth with Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz

 In this week’s episode, Hunter chats with Natalie and Vera of Dwell Differently about the beauty of dwelling on the truths that we find in the Bible. These three ladies each have such a contagious passion for hiding God’s Word in their hearts, and we hope that you come away from this conversation with a renewed excitement for dwelling on God’s Word!

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The Book of Revelation
Jen Wilkin Jen Wilkin

The Book of Revelation

In this week’s episode with Jen Wilkin, we talk about the beauty of an oft-misunderstood and feared book of the Bible: Revelation. Jen reminds us that although the book is filled with symbols and images that might first be hard to understand, that it actually pulls from the rest of Scripture and tells us what we already know! That Jesus is coming back to dwell with his people forever. Jen reminds us that the theme of this book is not condemnation, but comfort. We pray this episode leads you to praise as you remember who is seated on the throne of heaven.

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04. Nourishing Your Soul with Kristen Wetherell
Kristen Wetherell Kristen Wetherell

04. Nourishing Your Soul with Kristen Wetherell

Today we’re talking to Kristen Wetherell about where we can look to for hope and help when our souls are weary. Spoiler alert—it’s the one place we talk about all the time here at the Journeywomen Podcast: God’s Word. In case you don’t know her, Kristen is a pastor’s wife, a mother, and a writer. She is the author of Humble Moms and Fight Your Fears, and coauthor of the award-winning book Hope When It Hurts. Her newest book, Help for the Hungry Soul shares eight encouragements to grow your appetite for God's Word. We pray that this episode will stir your affections for God’s Word and that it will encourage you to look to Scripture as your help in the midst of seasons of weariness.

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A Journeywoman Seeks to Know God with Christine Gordon
Christine B. Gordon Christine B. Gordon

A Journeywoman Seeks to Know God with Christine Gordon

In this week’s episode, we’re throwing it back to a conversation we shared years ago with Christine Gordon about how a Journeywoman seeks to know and love God more. Christine Gordon (aka Chris) is the co-founder of At His Feet Bible Studies and a visiting instructor at Covenant Theological Seminary, where she also attended and earned her Master of Arts in Theological Studies. We hope you’ll walk away from this conversation encouraged to know and love God more through his Word and that you’ll press into your local body of believers to encourage and be encouraged by your brothers and sisters who are also striving to that end. 

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A Journeywoman's Identity is in Christ with Matt Lantz
Matt Lantz Matt Lantz

A Journeywoman's Identity is in Christ with Matt Lantz

In this week’s episode, we’re throwing it back to a conversation Hunter had with her friend and former mentor, Matt Lantz, on the topic of identity and how we live out our God-given design. God has created each of us uniquely, with specific wirings and gifts so that we might use those strengths for the glory of God. God has also called each of us—to specific places, roles, and tasks—so that we might make much of him wherever he has placed us. We pray this conversation encourages you to prayerfully consider what it looks like to live in light of who you are in Christ.

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A Journeywoman is Being Sanctified with Gavin Ortlund
Gavin Ortlund Gavin Ortlund

A Journeywoman is Being Sanctified with Gavin Ortlund

Today we’re continuing our series “What is a Journeywoman” by diving into the topic of sanctification, because a Journeywoman is being sanctified. We’re going back to a conversation we had with Gavin Ortlund on the topic. We talked about how the Lord uses the seasons and challenges of life to encourage us to turn to the Word, to pray, and to be actively involved in our local churches—all things that the Lord uses to bring about holiness in us. We pray this episode encourages you as you continue to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, knowing that it is God who works in you for his good pleasure (Phil. 2:12-13).

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A Journeywoman's Hope is in Heaven with Vanessa Hawkins
Vanessa K. Hawkins Vanessa K. Hawkins

A Journeywoman's Hope is in Heaven with Vanessa Hawkins

Today, we’re revisiting a conversation with Vanessa Hawkins on living in light of eternity because a Journeywoman’s hope resides in heaven. We talked about what a difference it makes as we navigate the seasons and hardships of life when we approach them with eternity in view. This is our last episode in the “What is a Journeywoman?” series. It’s been so wonderful revisiting these timeless conversations on what it means to be a woman of God. We pray that this episode encourages you—in the midst of whatever it is you are walking through today—to fix your gaze on eternity. That is what being a Journeywoman is all about. 

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You Are Not What You Eat with Irene Sun
Irene Sun Irene Sun

You Are Not What You Eat with Irene Sun

In today’s episode we’re talking about food with our friend Irene Sun! Irene was born in Malaysia, and she is the author of two kid’s books. She studied liturgy and literature at Yale University (MAR) and the Old Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (ThM). She now teaches her four boys at home with her preacher husband, Hans. We pray this conversation with Irene causes you to consider the provision we have received in Christ and to “eat with him,” as Irene said, as you go about the rest of your day.

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Clothed in Christ with Caroline Saunders
Caroline Saunders Caroline Saunders

Clothed in Christ with Caroline Saunders

Today we have the joy of hearing from Caroline Saunders on the topic of clothing. In this conversation, Caroline points us to the hope we have as those who are clothed in Christ. Caroline loves to help others know and enjoy God and his Word, which you’ll hear in this conversation! We pray this conversation with Caroline causes you to consider how you can put on the Lord Jesus Christ and trust him as you step into the closet and choose what to wear. May his righteousness be your covering today and every day.

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Sex and Sexuality with Rachel Gilson
Rachel Gilson Rachel Gilson

Sex and Sexuality with Rachel Gilson

Today we’re tackling the topic of sex and sexuality with Rachel Gilson. We know the nature of today’s topic is heavy. If you have questions or you need to process after listening, please take time to send a text to a friend in your local church. We are praying the Lord will use this conversation to cause you to move towards his Word, to cry out to him in prayer, and to walk in confession with women in your local church body.

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Pain and Heartache with Nana Dolce
Nana Dolce Nana Dolce

Pain and Heartache with Nana Dolce

Today, we’re talking about pain and heartache with our friend Nana Dolce. We pray this conversation with Nana encourages you as you face various hardships and trials today. This is the very last episode in our current series “Let’s Talk About”! Be sure to subscribe to the Journeywomen podcast so you don’t miss our next mini-series that releases this September!

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Creation and the Rebellion of Man with Dr. Hans Madueme
Hans Madueme Hans Madueme

Creation and the Rebellion of Man with Dr. Hans Madueme

Today we have the privilege of getting to know Dr. Hans Madueme, the associate professor of theological studies at Covenant College. As you’ll hear, Dr. Madueme was born in Sweden and grew up in Nigeria and Austria, and he does such a beautiful job of addressing the topic of creation and the rebellion of man. We pray that as you listen to this conversation you grow in your knowledge and your love for God and that it makes you eager to pick up your Bible to know and love him more!

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What Is The Trinity? with Dr. Michael Allen 
Michael Allen Michael Allen

What Is The Trinity? with Dr. Michael Allen 

Today we’re talking about the Trinity with Dr. Michael Allen. Dr. Allen serves as John Dyer Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean of the Orlando campus of RTS. He teaches core courses related to systematic theology and historical theology. We are so grateful for his careful handling of such a challenging topic, and we know you’re going to walk away with greater clarity regarding the doctrine of the Trinity!

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God’s Revealed and Inspired Word with J.T. English 
J. T. English J. T. English

God’s Revealed and Inspired Word with J.T. English 

Today we’re talking to J. T. English about the authority, inerrancy, and sufficiency of Scripture. If you don’t know him, J.T. English is the lead pastor of Storyline Fellowship in Arvada, Colorado, and author of Deep Discipleship: How the Church Can Make Whole Disciples of Jesus (B&H, 2020). He’s also the co-host of one of our favorite podcasts, Knowing Faith! J.T. holds a PhD in systematic theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary. You can find him on Instagram and Twitter.

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Knowing God Through His Word with Greg Gilbert 
Greg Gilbert Greg Gilbert

Knowing God Through His Word with Greg Gilbert 

On today’s episode we’re continuing our series, Knowing and Loving God, with Greg Gilbert, the senior pastor at Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. As we continue talking about knowing and loving God, it’s important that we lay a foundation for how we come to know him: through his Word. Greg Gilbert is the senior pastor of Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He is the author of What Is the Gospel? (Crossway, 2010), Assured: Discover Grace, Let Go of Guilt, and Rest in Your Salvation (Baker, 2019), and the commentary in the ESV Story of Redemption Bible (Crossway, 2018). He is the co-author of What Is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission (Crossway, 2011). You can follow him on Twitter.

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What Does the Bible Say? Hermeneutics  with Dr. Jim Shaddix
Jim Shaddix Jim Shaddix

What Does the Bible Say? Hermeneutics with Dr. Jim Shaddix

On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast we’re kicking off a brand new series: Journeywomen Goes to Seminary. In this seven-part series we’re covering seminary topics in a way that we hope will encourage you to pursue deeper theological study. Today we’re kicking things off with Dr. Jim Shaddix of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Shaddix serves as Professor of Preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, occupying the W. A. Criswell Chair of Expository Preaching. He also serves as a Senior Fellow for the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership, which exists to resource pastors in local churches. He is the author of many books. Jim and his wife, Debra, focus much of their attention on discipling and mentoring young leaders and spouses. They have three grown children and ten grandchildren.

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How to Read, Understand, and Apply the Scriptures with Elizabeth Groves
Elizabeth Groves Elizabeth Groves

How to Read, Understand, and Apply the Scriptures with Elizabeth Groves

On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast we’re doing a deep dive into one passage of Scripture to continue honing our hermeneutical skillset, by reading, studying, and applying a challenging passage together. Elizabeth Groves, known as “Libbie”, is lecturer in biblical Hebrew at Westminster Theological Seminary. Her academic interests include Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis, as well as counseling those who have gone through the loss of a husband or wife. She has four grown and married children, spread across the Northeast, and is expecting her eighth grandchild. Her husband Al passed away in 2007 from melanoma, and Libbie had the opportunity to write about that experience in her book Grief Undone: A Journey with God and Cancer and in a mini-book entitled Becoming a Widow: The Ache of Missing Your Other Half, both from New Growth Press. She treasures visiting family, and if she had any free time, she would spend it reading or watching movies.

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Systematic Theology with Dr. Ligon Duncan
Ligon Duncan Ligon Duncan

Systematic Theology with Dr. Ligon Duncan

On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast we get to hear from Dr. Ligon Duncan on the topic of systematic theology. Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III is the Chancellor & CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary and the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology. He served as Senior Minister of the historic First Presbyterian Church (1837) in Jackson, Mississippi for 17 years (1996-2013). He is co-founder of Together for the Gospel, Senior Fellow of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (having served as both Chairman of the Board and President), and was President of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals from 2004-2012. Dr. Duncan served as the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (2004-2005). He studied at Furman University, Greenville, SC (BA); Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis (M.Div., MA, cum laude); and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland (Ph.D.). In addition to editing, writing, and contributing to numerous books and being involved in various facets of ministry, he and his wife Anne reside in Jackson, MS and have two adult children.

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The Authority and Reliability of the Bible with Dr. Michael Kruger
Michael Kruger Michael Kruger

The Authority and Reliability of the Bible with Dr. Michael Kruger

On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, we’re discussing the authority, reliability, and development of the Bible with Dr. Michael Kruger. If you’ve ever had questions about the reliability of the Bible, how it came to be, or whether or not it stands up to scrutiny, this episode is for you. Dr. Kruger is one of the leading scholars in the study of the origins of the New Testament, particularly the development of the New Testament canon and the transmission of the New Testament text. Dr. Kruger serves as the President and Samuel C. Patterson Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Reformed Theological Seminary, in Charlotte, NC.

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