What is There to Celebrate on Mother’s Day?
Growing in Godliness, Grief & Suffering Madelyn Istrate Growing in Godliness, Grief & Suffering Madelyn Istrate

What is There to Celebrate on Mother’s Day?

“Motherhood. It brings with it such complicated grief; yet in the midst of that grief, there lies a beauty endowed by the Creator. Because since before the fall, motherhood has been God’s very good plan to show us more of himself. Since the fall, its complexity often clouds out the beauty, leaving us wondering at times what there is to celebrate on Mother’s Day.” What is There to Celebrate on Mother’s Day? by Madelyn Istrate

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Can Lament Be Worship?
Grief & Suffering Alyson Punzi Grief & Suffering Alyson Punzi

Can Lament Be Worship?

“Have you ever felt like it was wrong to be honest about your grief? Perhaps you’ve told yourself, “It could be worse” or “At least...” Maybe someone said something that made you feel that by crying too much or lingering too long in mourning you weren’t living in faith or hope. But platitudes, conciliations, or guilt don’t help us much to navigate grief. It is painful to live in our cursed and broken world. This is not the pristine world God created. We were not meant to feel betrayal or disease. We were not meant to witness death or severed relationships. But we do. We live in the in-between—between Christ’s victory over death on the cross and when Christ will return and fix all the brokenness. While we wait, we face death, but we have access to rich grace in the face of death. We have lament.” Can Lament Be Worship? by Alyson Punzi

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Gospel Hope in Infertility, Loss, and Unmet Expectations
Grief & Suffering Lauren Bowerman Grief & Suffering Lauren Bowerman

Gospel Hope in Infertility, Loss, and Unmet Expectations

“In the early years of my infertility journey, I fought my grief tooth and nail. But over the years I’ve realized the beauty of the pathway of lament. I’ve found that while lament leads us to hope, we must go through grief first. True Christian lament doesn’t ignore the pain and the brokenness of this world. Rather, it acknowledges it, enters into it, and through it draws nearer to the compassionate heart of Christ.” - Gospel Hope in Infertility, Loss, and Unmet Expectations by Lauren Bowerman

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Suffering Turns Our Hearts to God
Grief & Suffering Vaneetha Risner Grief & Suffering Vaneetha Risner

Suffering Turns Our Hearts to God

“In suffering and trials, we clearly see our need for God’s help. And when we call out to him, he runs to provide it. He walks with us through dark valleys, assuring us we are never alone (Ps 23:4). He gives us joy in his presence (Ps 16:11), surrounds us with steadfast love (Ps 32:10), revives us with his word (Ps 19: 7), waits to be gracious to us (Is 30:18), and renews our strength (Is 40:31). Our neediness becomes a blessing because it makes us seek the Lord and depend on his strength.” - Suffering Turns Our Hearts to God by Vaneetha Risner

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