Gospel Hope in Infertility, Loss, and Unmet Expectations
Grief & Suffering Lauren Bowerman Grief & Suffering Lauren Bowerman

Gospel Hope in Infertility, Loss, and Unmet Expectations

“In the early years of my infertility journey, I fought my grief tooth and nail. But over the years I’ve realized the beauty of the pathway of lament. I’ve found that while lament leads us to hope, we must go through grief first. True Christian lament doesn’t ignore the pain and the brokenness of this world. Rather, it acknowledges it, enters into it, and through it draws nearer to the compassionate heart of Christ.” - Gospel Hope in Infertility, Loss, and Unmet Expectations by Lauren Bowerman

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How to Pray for Older Saints
God's Mission Chelsea Stanley God's Mission Chelsea Stanley

How to Pray for Older Saints

God loves the generations—they’re part of his good design! As you intercede for the older saints in your life, don’t forget to praise God for them and thank him for the ways they have encouraged you and sharpened you in your faith. “For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations” (Psalm 100:5). Amen!” - How to Pray for Older Saints by Chelsea Stanley

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Quiet Time for Sinners
God's Word Naomi Vacaro God's Word Naomi Vacaro

Quiet Time for Sinners

“In the sacred moments of Bible reading and prayer, we allow the Holy Spirit to deepen our connection with Christ. Scripture becomes a way for us to listen to God’s heart and prayer becomes an intimate conversation where we pour our heart out to him. On this holy ground, Jesus becomes nearer, dearer, and sweeter to us than he was the day before, and every day we will reflect Christ a little more clearly to the surrounding world.” - Quiet Time for Sinners by Naomi Vacaro

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What Makes a Woman Great?
Growing in Godliness Kristen Wetherell Growing in Godliness Kristen Wetherell

What Makes a Woman Great?

“What makes a woman great? Is greatness about reaching some expected status like “engaged” or “married”? Does it mean climbing the corporate ladder, gaining influence, and outdoing those around you? Maybe greatness is about finding your “thing” and becoming an expert at it. Or perhaps it’s about becoming true to ourselves by listening to the voice within. Maybe greatness is learning how to unhitch ourselves from everyone’s expectations in order to find true happiness. Or is it?” - What Makes a Woman Great? by Kristen Wetherell

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The Gospel-Heart of Hospitality
God's Mission Elizabeth Santelmann God's Mission Elizabeth Santelmann

The Gospel-Heart of Hospitality

“We live in a world that values performative hospitality. Magazine spreads show beautifully-laid tables with place cards and breathtaking floral arrangements. We see influencers with living rooms full of luxurious pillows, vacuumed floors, and art hung by interior designers, making us immediately insecure about our toy-scattered floors and smeared windows. We know the Bible calls us to “offer hospitality without grumbling,” (1 Peter 4:9), but we look around our own house and it’s a far cry from a magazine spread. How do we follow the encouragement to offer hospitality when our reality looks so messy?“ - The Gospel-Heart of Hospitality by Elizabeth Santelmann

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