Uprooting the Weeds of False Beliefs
“Sin affects every area of our lives, including how we think and what we think. However, we’re not without hope, and we’re not without help as we address deeply rooted thoughts and beliefs. Second Peter 1:3 tells us God’s “divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness,” and in John 14-16, Jesus teaches that the Holy Spirit works to help us, teach us, convict us, and guide us into all truth.” - Uprooting the Weeds of False Beliefs by Ashley Chestnut
3 Reasons to Pray (Especially When You’re Exhausted)
“‘Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’ (Matt. 11:28). What a beautiful invitation! What a compassionate call crossing the centuries to intersect our busy, 21st century lives. Jesus doesn’t berate us into praying more. Rather, he invites us to experience the thing our souls truly crave more than sleep, more than another cup of coffee, more than a shopping spree. Our souls were made to find rest in Jesus, and he alone offers true rest in his presence.” - 3 Reasons to Pray (Especially When You’re Exhausted) by Asheritah Ciuciu
Our Good Father's Discipline
“As an adult, I find I continue to resist discipline, particularly God’s discipline. When trials, disappointments, and challenges come my way, I see them as things to avoid or resist. I look for ways to get around them. I find myself saying that all-too-popular childhood complaint, “It's not fair.” Other times, I look at hardships as punishment for something I've done wrong. Or perhaps, I think, I wasn't good enough and God is disappointed in me. Rarely though do I pause to consider, “What might God be doing in my life? What might he want me to learn? How might he use this hardship to make me more like Christ?”” - Our Good Father’s Discipline by Christina Fox
What Makes a Woman Great?
“What makes a woman great? Is greatness about reaching some expected status like “engaged” or “married”? Does it mean climbing the corporate ladder, gaining influence, and outdoing those around you? Maybe greatness is about finding your “thing” and becoming an expert at it. Or perhaps it’s about becoming true to ourselves by listening to the voice within. Maybe greatness is learning how to unhitch ourselves from everyone’s expectations in order to find true happiness. Or is it?” - What Makes a Woman Great? by Kristen Wetherell
When Intrusive Thoughts Keep Intruding
“Because we all live with a nature warped by sin, we all fight intrusive thoughts. From aggressive insecurities, to catastrophic fears, to disturbing mental images, intrusive thoughts can take many forms. Sometimes we can banish unwanted thoughts as easily as swatting flies. But there are other times, perhaps more frequent, when the door to our mind keeps violently banging open. As followers of Jesus endowed with the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16), what can we do when intrusive thoughts keep intruding?” - When Intrusive Thoughts Keep Intruding by Erin Davis
I Want to be a Christian, but There’s One Thing
“I wanted to be a Christian, but I wasn’t going to let my girlfriend go. That was my one non-negotiable. Surely, there was a way around that. Surely, God really didn’t care about who I was attracted to, who I married, who I loved. Right?” - I Want to be a Christian, but There’s One Thing by K. Price
Help! I'm Trapped in My Insecurities!
“If we can see each other we can say hello, we can make a new friend, we can have a funny conversation about Colossians or Kingsolver or Costco. We can let the stifling air squelch out like an untied balloon, flying out of our fingertips until it flops to the ground, deflated and powerless, no longer trying to lead the way. De-weaponized awkward balloons make way for something else to lead the way: like truth.” - Help! I'm Trapped in My Insecurities! by Holly Mackle
Honoring Your Mother-In-Law
“Showing honor to the woman who raised our husband, who nourished him with daily meals, drove him to countless practices and cares so deeply about him, is actually a way to love our husband. If our husband constantly hears us complaining about something his mom did, tension can build in both the marriage and the relationship with his parents. How can we seek to show honor to our mother-in-law, even in the midst of a difficult relationship?” - Honoring the Other Mother In Your Life, by Stacy Reaoch
The Feast of Obedience
“As believers in Christ, we don’t need to chase after the things the world chases, even basic provision (Matt. 6:33). We don’t have to buy into the lie of scarcity when we have an abundant Father. We don’t have to determine our day by the amount of energy in our tanks, for we know that if God is calling us to something, he will give us all we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).” - The Feast of Obedience, by Aimee Joseph
Jesus and Our Words: How Knowing Jesus Transforms Our Speech
“When Christ ascended to heaven, his work on earth continued. Since the day the Spirit was given on Pentecost, Jesus has actively built his Church with the witness—the words—of his followers. As they have proclaimed the gospel and explained the Scriptures, the Church has grown. Even now, Jesus is building his Church as his people speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15-16). But you may wonder, “How is it possible that my words could be useful for the building of the Church? How can my conversations contribute to the body of Christ?”” - Jesus and Our Words: How Knowing Jesus Transforms Our Speech by Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser
Giving or Grabbing the Glory: Fighting Self-Righteousness by Remembering What God Has Done
“Remember what the Lord has done! As an unbeliever I was as selfish as they come, looking only to my needs and desires. I would calculate how to exert minimal effort for maximum gain in nearly every circumstance. Then Jesus changed it all. So the minute-by-minute giving of my time and energy in motherhood, imperfect as it is, is truly and utterly miraculous. I can delight in laying aside “self-care” for the constant care of my six children knowing that Jesus did that! To God be all the glory.” - Giving or Grabbing the Glory, by Janaye Atkinson
Communion with God Through Ordinary Means
“To communicate his grace to us, God has likewise given us means of grace: the preaching of the Word, the Lord’s Supper, and baptism. When I was growing up, I wanted new and flashy ways to grow in my relationship with God. I wanted a fresh word and a new outpouring in my life. Yet God has chosen something much more ordinary—a preacher with a Bible, bread and wine, and water.” - Communion with God Through Ordinary Means, by Lara d'Entremont
Covenant, Not Contract
“Behind the question “What is God's will and purpose for my life?” is sometimes a subtle selfishness. We often ask the question not as a servant waiting to be sent, but as a master demanding to know. Instead of rejoicing, we get impatient and envious when we watch God raising other people up to do his work. Instead of waiting upon the Lord as our hope in life and death, we wait upon the “great work” we will do to bring meaning and importance to our lives. So, in perpetually crying, “Use me!”, we make our own significance, fulfillment, and legacy the center of our prayers.” - Covenant, Not Contract, by Irene Sun
Follow The One Who Is Trustworthy
"By God’s grace, we can become women who experience the pressure points of confusion and uncertainty yet continue to bless the Lord and those around us with our words and our service. We can grapple with our next steps and seek practical guidance yet remember the Spirit is our true Counselor. We can bear witness to suffering and grieve it sincerely yet remain joyful in God’s promises to be with us now and to restore all things in eternity.” - Follow the One Who is Trustworthy, by Mallory Manning
Single, But Not Alone
"When our churches and friends fail us, when we face temptation, when rejection breaks our hearts, Jesus—himself a single man—identifies with our suffering (Isa. 53:3-4; Heb. 4:14-16). When we feel alone, are tempted towards despair, or look for salvation in something other than Jesus, the Holy Spirit reminds us of what is true (John 15:26-27). And when we question our worth, fear scarcity, cry out in lament, or humbly repent, the Father is ready and waiting to pour out his love and comfort (2 Cor. 1:3; Eph. 3:14-21; 1 John 3:1-3).” - Single, But Not Alone, by Jenilyn Swett
Advent and Remembrance: How Our Traditions Shape Us
“Our God makes very clear in the story of redemption that he is after our hearts and not our empty actions (1 Sam. 16:7, Prov. 21:2). This steady ground gives us breathtaking freedom to examine the why behind the practices and liturgical rhythms of our personal and communal Advent, holding our choices up to Scripture and asking ourselves whether or not these things are good and right and true, and meet our worship goals.” - Advent and Remembrance: How Our Traditions Shape Us, by Holly Mackle
"I Just Can't Go": The Importance of Gathering with the Local Church
"In today's fast-paced world, the thought of joining a church prayer meeting or gathering with brothers and sisters for a Bible study (sometimes even on Sunday morning) can seem overwhelming. It's one more thing on top of our already-hectic day. Speculations swirl through our minds. Darting thoughts remind us of the faults of others—and ourselves. We're tired, and it's easy to make excuses to keep us from assembling with the saints. But amidst these weary, heavy days, our greatest need (apart from Christ himself) is to be among the Lord's people.’” - I Just Can’t Go: The Importance of Gathering with the Local Church, by Katherine Pittman
The Importance of Identity
"‘Who are you and what are you doing here?’ As followers of Jesus, we believe God is the designer of humanity and we are his creations. As such, we also believe he has handmade each of us for good works that he has purposed for us to be and do (Eph. 2:10). God, as our creator, is the only one who is qualified to speak with authority about our identity. If we listen to him, he is answering those two questions for us.” - The Importance of Identity by Matt Lantz
Storytellers and Disciple-Makers: Stewarding Our Creativity for a Watching World
"I cannot always tie a bow of finality on my stories. Most of them are still being lived, still being learned. But whether I write with humor, or with a homesickness that shows all I long for Jesus to make right, I do write with the assurance of my true home in mind. There is not an honest soul on earth who does not in some way resonate with things that make us laugh, or with this distant hum of a feeling that this life cannot be all there is. Our stories may just be the thing God uses to show the world the origin and hope of all of our lives.” - Storytellers and Disciple-Makers: Stewarding Our Creativity for a Watching World, by Katie Blackburn
5 Truths About Your Physical and Spiritual Health
"When it comes to our physical lives and our spiritual lives, we must each choose who we will serve (Joshua 24:14-15). We must each run the race marked out for us (Hebrews 12:1). We must each set our minds on things above (Colossians 3:1). Let us ask the God who made us to help us commit to both our spiritual and physical well being. These bodies and souls and lives are not our own—they were bought with a price. May we honor and glorify our God who made us, saved us, and strengthens us.” - 5 Truths About Your Physical and Spiritual Health, by Jen Oshman