Decorating and the Gospel with Laura Wifler

Today on Journeywomen I had the privilege of interviewing my friend Laura Wifler of the Risen Motherhood podcast. We talk about everything from how the Gospel relates to decorating to spray painting curtain rods.

Laura has been married for six years, is a mother to three precious little ones and is currently in the process of adopting two more from Eastern Europe. Her writing on motherhood and lifestyle has been featured on popular sites such as BabyCenter, DesignSponge and Scary Mommy. Currently, Laura is co-founder and co-host of Risen Motherhood, a ministry and podcast for women who are striving for gospel-centered motherhood. She likes her coffee black, going on hikes, dabbling in DIY and decorating, reading books with real pages to turn, and having impromptu dance parties in the kitchen with her children. I cannot wait for you guys to hear from her on the topic of decorating! 

Laura has the beautiful skill of tethering something that as seemingly trite as home decor to the beautiful truths of the gospel. She inspires me to know the foundational elements of the gospel more and to continue making those connections in everyday facets of life. If you want to connect with Laura and Emily of Risen Motherhood, be sure to do so over at Risen Motherhood at the links below. 

  1. When did you become interested in decorating?

  2. What's the connection between designing/creating and our spirituality? Can you gospel-ize decorating for us?

  3. Can we glorify God through something as simple as decorating? If so, what might that look like?

  4. Are there practical ways you can intentionally design or decorate a space for the purpose of glorifying God? How?

  5. What practical decorating tips do you have for women who are single or in college? Young marrieds? Families?

  6. Do you have any money saving tricks for people who aren't able to invest a lot into decorating their homes?

  7. I have a lot of listeners who are in the military. Do you have any Biblical encouragement (Biblically) for those of us who live very transient lives? How about practical decorating tips for someone who moves often?

  8. What are some pitfalls (sins) to beware of when we're decorating our homes? How can we know if we're walking in holiness as we're engaging in something that often feels worldly?

  9. If someone's listening and they feel convicted about idolizing their home or decorating for selfish gain, what encouragement do you have for them?

  10. As a Christian, what is the ultimate purpose for design?


3 Questions I ask every guest

  1. What are your 3 favorite tools or resources for decorating?

  2. What are 3 of your simple joys in life? (This can be anything!!)

  3. Who has had the greatest impact in your own journey with Jesus?


Note Worthy Quotes

“Everyone decorates, whether you think you do or not.”

“What do I love and what’s achievable? Those two things can be difficult to marry at times.”

“We know that God loves beauty. He is the inventor of beauty. He embodies all beauty. As image-bearers of God we can see that we get our creativity directly from him.”

“As image-bearers of Christ we can totally embody his love for beauty and of course we also see his love for creativity and beauty in other areas of the Bible. Take the temple or all of the intricacies of the tabernacle, or the beautiful priestly garments and we see that God cares about these things.”

“Great design also takes into account great order and function.”

“We see God’s love for order in time and space, like how the planets rotate and they don’t run into one another; how the tides work; we see it in how he’s designed families with husbands at the head and how children are to obey their parents; we see it in the church and in how the elders and deacons how that’s structured; even in the Old Testament we see it in the Levitical law and the atonements and all of the ceremonies he had and all of the order.” 

“We can image God in his love for beauty and creation and also in his love for order and function.”

“We as believers have a charge to create a home that is a refuge for the people who live there, but ultimately our homes should serve as a platform or a vehicle for the spread the gospel, for the Great Commission and making disciples.” 

“The thing we have to look at is, ‘How do I create a space in the place that we live that loves these people well and feels unique and special to them and also fosters an environment that creates spaces for people to connect and develop relationships.”

“Our highest priority in decorating should be using our homes as a vehicle to participate in the Great Commission.” 

“How can I best use the things that I already have to practice hospitality?” 

“Decorating involves a heart check of saying am I buying this, or am I doing this, or arranging this, am I decorating for God’s glory or for my own? Am I loving myself in this and wanting my own glory or am I loving God and those around me?”

“‘Will people be comfortable here?’ Sometimes that involves sacrificing the style that you want in lieu of something the might be a little more practical for people to enjoy.” 

Laura’s two questions to ask ourselves while decorating: “What materials, fabrics, shapes, and items are best for the makeup of the people who live here?” and “How does the decorating of my home reflect our family’s unique interests, values, or unique giftings?” 

“What are the things that we want to place a high value on and how can I create a place that serves that and makes it easier for everyone in the house for people to enjoy those things?” “

“What do we already have and how can I intentionally display those to make our home more welcoming. That’s all design really is.” 

“We can image God’s love of beauty no matter where we live.” 

“Our homes are places that we do have influence and authority in no matter who lives there or how long we live there we need to love those people well and create spaces where people do feel welcome.”

“As we move through the decorating process we tend to fall into one of two camps: we have either pride about our abilities and we are proud our own glory or our own self for the work that we’ve done in our home, or we have despair about the abilities that we think we lack. Both of these things put glory on ourselves and say, ‘My house, my decorating, my rooms, they’re all about me.’ They're really misplacing where our identity should be found, which is in Christ. Not in our skills or our lack of skills. In those times we’re totally putting ourselves in God’s place: a place where we are never ever meant to be.” 

“Decorating is a neutral tool. It’s not a sinful thing in and of itself. It is how we view and employ them that creates sin in our lives.” 

“The continual heart check involved in decorating should be, ‘Are my motives to create a home that serves God’s glory and God’s purposes, or is it to create my own glorification or for myself so that people are impressed with me?’”


Laura’s Resources for Decorating

Friends - use their skills!

Instagram or blogs - use at your own risk - like Style by Emily Henderson

Visiting home stores for inspiration


Laura’s Simple Joys

Fast action food videos on Facebook and Instagram

5 AM wake-ups

A good book like Anne of Green Gables, The Harry Potter Series, or The Wingfeather Saga


Journeywomen interviews are intended to serve as a springboard for continued study in the context of your local church. While we carefully select guests each week, interviews do not imply Journeywomen's endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.

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Laura Wifler

Laura Wifler is the cofounder and executive director of Risen Motherhood. She cohosts the popular Risen Motherhood podcast and is coauthor of the best-selling book of the same name. She is author of the best-selling, award-winning children’s book Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer, as well as Like Me: A Story About Disability and Discovering God’s Image in Every Person. Laura, her husband, and her three children live in central Iowa.

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