Word-Centered Discipleship with Elizabeth Woodson
Elizabeth Woodson Elizabeth Woodson

Word-Centered Discipleship with Elizabeth Woodson

In this episode, Hunter chats with Elizabeth Woodson about how we can center our discipleship relationships around the Word of God. What does it look like to be committed to Word-centered discipleship? This conversation is full of encouragement, inspiration, and practical ideas to make sure the Word is the focal point of your discipleship relationships.

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Discipleship in the Local Church with Bev Chao Berrus
Bev Chao Berrus Bev Chao Berrus

Discipleship in the Local Church with Bev Chao Berrus

In this episode, Hunter chats with Bev Chao Berrus about discipleship in the local church and how God designed it for our spiritual good! Disciples are made within the context of the local church, and God himself gives us this example in the pages of Scripture and throughout the history of the Church. Friends, we pray this conversation is a helpful resource as you seek to come alongside the women in your local church and grow together in godliness!

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What is Discipleship? with Courtney Doctor
Courtney Doctor Courtney Doctor

What is Discipleship? with Courtney Doctor

In this episode, Hunter chats with Courtney Doctor to begin our new series, Displaying the Gospel through Discipleship. One way we display the gospel and live on mission is through our discipling relationships. Yet, so many of us are intimidated by Christ’s command to go and make disciples. In this series, we will grow in our understanding of discipleship and how we can practically go about doing it. 

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Applying the Gospel to Everyday Life with Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler
Laura Wifler & Emily Jensen Laura Wifler & Emily Jensen

Applying the Gospel to Everyday Life with Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler

As believers we are united in Christ—and there will still be issues about which we disagree. As Bobby Jamieson reminded us in this week's episode, "Those disagreements can always threaten to become divisions." But there is hope! We can learn how to understand our conscience, listen to God's leading, and engage those we disagree with by showing kindness and respect and remembering the unity we share in Christ. We pray the practical and Scripture-based encouragement this episode offers will help you think through issues of conscience and how to interact with those you disagree with.

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Made to Worship with Natalie Brand
Natalie Brand Natalie Brand

Made to Worship with Natalie Brand

In this episode, Hunter talks with Natalie Brand about how we were made to worship God. They talk about what a grace it is that our self-revealing, Triune God has chosen to reveal himself to his people, and they remind listeners of the beauty and importance of good theology. We pray that this episode encourages you to strive for theological soundness in order that you might more fully love, worship, and enjoy God.

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Evangelism with Amy DiMarcangelo
Amy DiMarcangelo Amy DiMarcangelo

Evangelism with Amy DiMarcangelo

In this conversation, Hunter is chatting with Amy DiMarcangelo about evangelism. They talk about what the gospel actually is, why it is good news, and what it is that compels us to share this good news with an unbelieving world. Amy offers encouragement to those who might feel hesitant or unequipped to evangelize, and she reminds us how beautiful it is to play a part in bringing brothers and sisters into the family of God. We pray this episode encourages you to share the good news with those around you!

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Rehearsing the Gospel with Elizabeth Woodson
Elizabeth Woodson Elizabeth Woodson

Rehearsing the Gospel with Elizabeth Woodson

In this episode, Hunter is chatting with Elizabeth Woodson about the basics of the gospel and its application to everyday life. They explore the key elements of the gospel, including God's creation of man, humanity's fall into sin, Jesus' redemption, and the promised hope of consummation. This conversation is full of rich insights about the goodness of the gospel and what it means to love God and live out the gospel in all seasons of life. We hope it encourages you to more fully understand the gospel narrative of Scripture, to apply those truths to your own life, and to embrace the conviction, comfort, and transformed identity that the gospel brings!

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Legalism with Jason Cook
Jason Cook Jason Cook

Legalism with Jason Cook

Today we’re wrapping up our Blind Spots series with a conversation on legalism with Jason Cook. If you don’t know him, Jason is a husband, father, and the lead pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA. I can’t think of a better conversation to wrap up not only this series, but also this year! This has been such a helpful series for us. We pray the Lord has used it in your life as well. Thank you for humbly considering the blind spots you’re maintaining. We pray you take time to bring those before the Lord and before friends in your local church context to simply ask for their help.

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Finances with Jen Wilkin and Elizabeth Woodson
Jen Wilkin and Elizabeth Woodson Jen Wilkin and Elizabeth Woodson

Finances with Jen Wilkin and Elizabeth Woodson

In this week’s episode, we are digging into the topic of finances! Money can be a blind spot for many of us, so we are excited to learn how we can steward well what God has entrusted us with. We are particularly excited to share this episode with you because it is actually a LIVE recording of a conversation we got to have with Jen Wilkin and Elizabeth Woodson at The Gospel Coalition Women’s conference back in June! We pray this conversation compels you to take an honest look at your finances to see how you can best steward what the Lord has entrusted you with. Our hope is that in doing so, you would come to rely more deeply on the Lord as your Provider!

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Self-Sufficiency with Christine Gordon and Hope Blanton
Hope A. Blanton & Christine B. Gordon Hope A. Blanton & Christine B. Gordon

Self-Sufficiency with Christine Gordon and Hope Blanton

Today we’re continuing our current series, Blind Spots, by talking about a particularly sneaky one—self-sufficiency. For many of us the desire to “do it ourselves” and be independent can be incredibly strong, but today our friends Hope Blanton and Christine Gordon of At His Feet Studies are going to help us understand the beauty of dependence. We pray this conversation encourages you to lift your eyes from yourself, to release your grip on all the things you strive to do, and to look instead to Christ, whose grace is enough to sufficiently meet your every need.

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Unforgiveness with Vaneetha Risner
Vaneetha Risner Vaneetha Risner

Unforgiveness with Vaneetha Risner

In today’s episode, we’re talking about the blind spot of unforgiveness with my friend Vaneetha Risner. Vaneetha’s story is an incredible testament to the power of looking to the grace of God to enable us to forgive unimaginably difficult offenses. We pray this conversation encourages you to lean on the Lord for the strength to forgive, even when it’s difficult.

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Gifts and Fruit of the Spirit with Amy Gannett
Amy Gannett Amy Gannett

Gifts and Fruit of the Spirit with Amy Gannett

Today we get to hear from Amy Gannett on the topic of the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t know her, Amy has joined us on the podcast twice already! Her first book Fix Your Eyes: How Theology Shapes our Worship was released by B&H Publishers on October 5. As you’ll hear, Amy is a wife, mother, and church planter with her family in Greenville, NC. We pray this episode with Amy encourages you to dig into God’s Word as you seek to know and love him more.

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Union with Christ with Kyle Worley
Kyle Worley Kyle Worley

Union with Christ with Kyle Worley

Today we’re chatting with Kyle Worley about the topic of union with Christ. This conversation is rich with gospel-reminders of what Christ’s life, death, and resurrection achieved, and how it continually impacts our relationship with him. We pray that as you listen you are encouraged to continue searching Scripture and learning more about your position in Christ!

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Conformed to the Image of Christ with Megan Hill
Megan Hill Megan Hill

Conformed to the Image of Christ with Megan Hill

In this episode Lauren and Kimberly chat with Megan Hill about what it means to be conformed to the image of Christ. Megan is the author of five books, most recently: Patience: Waiting with Hope. An editor for The Gospel Coalition, Megan lives in Massachusetts with her husband and four children. We pray this episode with Megan, Kimberly, and Lauren encourages you to keep looking to Christ as you seek to imitate him!

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God's Work of Sanctification with Gavin Ortlund
Gavin Ortlund Gavin Ortlund

God's Work of Sanctification with Gavin Ortlund

Today we get to hear from Gavin Ortlund on the topic of sanctification. Gavin is a husband, father, pastor, and writer. We talked about how the Lord uses the seasons and challenges of life to encourage us to turn to the Word, to pray, and to be actively involved in our local churches - all things that the Lord uses to bring about holiness in us. We pray this episode encourages you as you continue to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, knowing that it is God who works in you for his good pleasure.

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God’s Goodness in Salvation with Matt Smethurst
Matt Smethurst Matt Smethurst

God’s Goodness in Salvation with Matt Smethurst

Today we get to hear from Matt Smethurst about salvation. Matt is managing editor of The Gospel Coalition and author of several books. He and his wife, Maghan, have three children and are planting a church in Richmond, Virginia. In this conversation we dig in deep, tackling topics like election, calling, regeneration, conversion, and justification. We pray this episode encourages you to look to God as the author of your salvation, and to praise him for the work he has done to make salvation possible for us!

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The Resurrection and Ascension with Margarita Diaz Lutz
Margarita Diaz Lutz Margarita Diaz Lutz

The Resurrection and Ascension with Margarita Diaz Lutz

Today we’re chatting with Margarita Diaz Lutz about the resurrection and the ascension of Christ. As you’ll hear, this conversation is rich with Scripture, and Margarita so beautifully reminds us of how the resurrection offers us hope even in the midst of the brokenness of this world. Margarita lives in San Juan, Puerto Rico with her husband, Zach and her two-year-old son, Joaquín. She graduated from Covenant Seminary and Wheaton College, and she loves to study and teach God’s Word. We pray this episode leads you to praise Jesus for his resurrection and ascension, which achieved salvation for all who trust in him and offers us hope in the seasons and challenges we face in this life!

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Why Did Jesus Have to Die? with Yannick Christos-Wahab
Yannick Christos-Wahab Yannick Christos-Wahab

Why Did Jesus Have to Die? with Yannick Christos-Wahab

Today we get to hear from Yannick Christos-Wahab about why Jesus came to die. This episode was inspired by a conversation I personally shared with a friend who asked, “Why did it have to be Jesus? How can Jesus actually pay the debt I owe because of my sin?” This is such an important question for us to really know and understand, and Yannick is going to help answer it. So you’ll know a bit more about him, Yannick is from Nigeria, and was born and raised in London, where he is now a pastor at Stockwell Baptist Church. He is a husband and father, and he also co-authored a book called The Cross in Four Words published by The Good Book Company. We pray this episode encourages you to linger long on the cross of Christ!

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How is Christ our Prophet, Priest, and King? with Jonty Rhodes
Jonty Rhodes Jonty Rhodes

How is Christ our Prophet, Priest, and King? with Jonty Rhodes

Today we get to hear from Jonty Rhodes, who lives across the pond in the UK where he serves as the minister of Christ Church Central Leeds. Jonty has spent the last ten years planting churches in England and is the author of Covenants Made Simple and Man of Sorrows. In this episode we’re talking about Christ as prophet, priest, and king. I know you’ll walk away from this conversation with a better understanding of what Christ did for us and what he’s doing for us even now!

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Mentoring Younger Women in the Faith with Jen Wilkin and Melissa Kruger
Jen Wilkin & Melissa Kruger Jen Wilkin & Melissa Kruger

Mentoring Younger Women in the Faith with Jen Wilkin and Melissa Kruger

We are so excited to share this episode with you on mentoring with Jen Wilkin and Melissa Kruger, which was recorded at The Gospel Coalition’s Women’s Conference in 2021. We pray this conversation encourages you to pursue discipleship relationships with women in your local context. Perhaps you could even grab a few women from your church and listen to this episode together!

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