Word-Centered Discipleship with Elizabeth Woodson
Elizabeth Woodson Elizabeth Woodson

Word-Centered Discipleship with Elizabeth Woodson

In this episode, Hunter chats with Elizabeth Woodson about how we can center our discipleship relationships around the Word of God. What does it look like to be committed to Word-centered discipleship? This conversation is full of encouragement, inspiration, and practical ideas to make sure the Word is the focal point of your discipleship relationships.

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Discipling with Courtney Doctor
Courtney Doctor Courtney Doctor

Discipling with Courtney Doctor

In this episode, Hunter talks with Courtney Doctor about the beauty and the mutual edification of discipleship. As they talk, you will hear Courtney’s heart for God’s Word and her passion for knowing it, loving it, being changed by it, and teaching it. We pray this episode encourages you to seek out an older or younger woman with whom you can grow in godliness.

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Mentoring Younger Women in the Faith with Jen Wilkin and Melissa Kruger
Jen Wilkin & Melissa Kruger Jen Wilkin & Melissa Kruger

Mentoring Younger Women in the Faith with Jen Wilkin and Melissa Kruger

We are so excited to share this episode with you on mentoring with Jen Wilkin and Melissa Kruger, which was recorded at The Gospel Coalition’s Women’s Conference in 2021. We pray this conversation encourages you to pursue discipleship relationships with women in your local context. Perhaps you could even grab a few women from your church and listen to this episode together!

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What Is The Trinity? with Dr. Michael Allen 
Michael Allen Michael Allen

What Is The Trinity? with Dr. Michael Allen 

Today we’re talking about the Trinity with Dr. Michael Allen. Dr. Allen serves as John Dyer Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean of the Orlando campus of RTS. He teaches core courses related to systematic theology and historical theology. We are so grateful for his careful handling of such a challenging topic, and we know you’re going to walk away with greater clarity regarding the doctrine of the Trinity!

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Knowing God by Name with Mary Kassian 
Mary Kassian Mary Kassian

Knowing God by Name with Mary Kassian 

Today we’re chatting with Mary Kassian about knowing God by name. Mary is an award-winning author and Bible teacher who speaks to women around the world about living out their faith, especially about what it means to be a woman according to God's design. She has published several books and Bible studies, including Girls Gone Wise, The Feminist Mistake, and Knowing God by Name: A Personal Encounter (which we talk about more in this episode!). You can see more from Mary at her website.

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How Can We Image God? with Jackie Hill Perry 
Jackie Hill Perry Jackie Hill Perry

How Can We Image God? with Jackie Hill Perry 

Today we’re chatting with Jackie Hill Perry about God’s holiness and his communicable attributes, specifically focusing on how we can reflect God’s character. Since being saved from a lifestyle of homosexual sin and the like, Jackie has been compelled to share the light of gospel truth through speaking, writing, podcasting, and music. She is the author of Gay Girl, Good God and the Bible study Jude: Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture. You can find her at jackiehillperry.com and on Instagram.

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Grounding Ourselves in God’s Word with Tara-Leigh Cobble
Tara-Leigh Cobble Tara-Leigh Cobble

Grounding Ourselves in God’s Word with Tara-Leigh Cobble

On today’s episode, we’re chatting with Tara-Leigh Cobble about how important it is to plant our feet firmly on the foundation of God’s Word. This episode will encourage you to reach for the Word as your source of truth and comfort, no matter where you’re at today. Tara-Leigh Cobble has a zeal for Biblical literacy that led her to create and develop an international network of Bible studies called D-Group. Every week, over 250 men's and women's D-Groups meet weekly in homes and churches around the world to study Scripture. She also writes and hosts a daily radio show called “The God Shot” and a daily podcast called "The Bible Recap" designed to help listeners read and understand the Bible in a year. Her book "The Bible Recap", a 365-day guide to reading through the Bible, releasing fall 2020.

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Life on Life Discipleship with PaToya Hall & Kimberly Wootten
PaToya Hall & Kimberly Wootten PaToya Hall & Kimberly Wootten

Life on Life Discipleship with PaToya Hall & Kimberly Wootten

On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast we get to hear from Kimberly Wootten and PaToya Hall about discipleship, specifically, the importance of seeking out life on life discipleship relationships over learning online. This is the first in a five episode series called “Keeping it Local: Leaning Into Discipleship in Your Local Context.”

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Making Disciples with Dori Willeman
Dori Willeman Dori Willeman

Making Disciples with Dori Willeman

On today’s episode of the Journeywomen Podcast, we are talking with Dori Willeman about what it’s like to be the mentor in another woman’s life. Dori lives in New Hampshire with her husband Don, the pastor of Christ Redeemer Church. They are very proud of their four adult children. As a pastor's wife for the past 20 years, she has served in many capacities but is most passionate about discipling women. In addition to serving the local church, she serves as a Ministry Fellow for a Christian Campus Ministry discipling Dartmouth College students.

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Discipleship in Community with Katie Gilbert
Katie Gilbert Katie Gilbert

Discipleship in Community with Katie Gilbert

On today’s episode of the Journeywomen Podcast, Hunter Beless is chatting with Katie Gilbert about how we pour into one another in the context of community. This is the third episode in our series called “Keeping it Local: Leaning into Discipleship in your Local Context.” The idea behind this series is to encourage us all to seek out discipleship and learning with women we can spend time with face-to-face. Katie Gilbert is a young professional, living and working in the Upper Valley of New Hampshire. Katie originally moved to New Hampshire in 2000 with her family when her parents, Don and Dori Willeman, planted Christ Redeemer Church in Hanover, NH. She is a graduate of Gordon College with a BA in biblical studies and history with a concentration in museum studies. Katie loves hikes, books, good food and, most of all, her husband Jack.

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Peer to Peer Discipleship with Amy Knuppe
Amy Knuppe Amy Knuppe

Peer to Peer Discipleship with Amy Knuppe

On today’s episode of the Journeywomen Podcast, Hunter is talking with her friend Amy Knuppe on the topic of discipleship. If you’re just tuning in, the heart behind this series “Keeping it Local: Leaning into Discipleship in your Local Context” is to encourage learning from women right where we are. Hunter has been chatting with ladies from her local church in Hanover, New Hampshire. We hope these conversations help to pull back the curtain on discipleship relationships, which, let’s be honest, we have all probably felt intimidated by at one point or another. Our prayer is that this series helps you see that discipleship isn’t rocket science! The best way to do it really is to jump right in, especially with the help of your local church body.

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Humility in Discipleship with   Megan Eshbaugh and Susie Matter
Megan Eshbaugh & Susie Matter Megan Eshbaugh & Susie Matter

Humility in Discipleship with Megan Eshbaugh and Susie Matter

On today’s episode we are wrapping up our series, “Keeping it Local: Leaning into Discipleship in your Local Context,” with a conversation on humility in discipleship. Throughout this series we’ve talked with women from Hunter’s local church and today, we get to share with you two of our favorites, Megan Eshbaugh and Susie Matter. They talk about what it means to walk in humility as we share not only the gospel, but our very lives so that we might learn more of what it means to follow Christ as we do life together.

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